Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Cowboy's Prayer free first two chapter read

 Take one saddle bronc champion who hasn't got out on the circuit yet because of the flu.... add in a neighbor who's a ne'er do well trying to get a truck from Lamont for free...and include a kid in trouble who needs someone...and A Cowboy's Prayer begins.

A fatal overdose ups the stakes and when the kid's aunt from New York City arrives, she doesn't seem to be a fit for Oklahoma life.

Blurb: Oklahoma saddle bronc champion Lamont Fortune lives a lonely life. He has family he doesn’t see very often and although once a man of faith, his has faded. He’s late getting out on the circuit this year but before he can put his spurs on for the season, his life changes when he takes in a neighbor’s stepson after a fatal overdose. When the boy’s aunt arrives from New York City, it’s complicated. Matilda Mannheim and Lamont bristle but when they learn Shayne can’t leave the state, Lamont is the only option. Lamont nicknames her ‘Tilly’ and both realize they misjudged the other. With many challenges looming, Tilly has the faith he lacks. As he takes tentative steps toward God, he resists prayer until everything changes. His chance to build a life with Shayne and Tilly depends on whether he can make the right choices and most of all, if he can manage a prayer.

From a review:

Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2024

The Cowboys Promise by Lee Anne Sontheimer Murphy, Like most of this author‘s books I absolutely loved it! Lamont has suffered trauma both emotional and physical he is the top bronc rider and has been for the past two years. At rodeo shows people cheer him on and thousands of folks want to know him but at home he lives alone after losing his parents in a plane crash and leaving his narcissistic fiancé but when his neighbor Teddy comes to try and scam him out of the truck he is trying to sell. Lamont tells him no but is curious as to who the young boy with him is. he knows Teddy is a drug attic and learns he lost his wife and that’s how this no good man has this boy. Little does he know but meeting young Shane Will be the best thing that ever happened to him. By no means it’s lives misery‘s done with Lamont and his family but with all the boy brings with him it makes it a much softer blow. Just whatever you do make sure you read this book on a full stomach because all the food they mention, including the desserts will have your mouth watering. There was way too much in this book to hit the highlights because one leads to another and then another but just know if you love contemporary western romance you will absolutely love this book I could not put it down and I am not just saying that for laughs and giggles I’m being so serious I even told my husband this book has me paralyzed because I couldn’t stop reading it and wanted to know what was going to happen next. I always say romance stories or wash spin rinse and repeat but it’s books like this 

Grab a copy of The Cowboy's Prayer today. Check out the first two chapters and scroll down for buy links!

                             Chapter One



First time he ever laid eyes on the kid, Lamont wasn't impressed. Scrawny as a scarecrow, the kid needed a haircut like last month. His eyes were too big for his thin face, and his clothes hung large on his skinny body. Teddy Anderson came to his place on Saturday to look at the old Ford Ranger pickup Lamont had listed for sale and brought the boy. Anderson, his loud-mouthed neighbor from down the road, reeked of beer and weed. He talked too much and twitched like he might need a fix. Tweaker. Had to be, and Lamont loathed illegal drugs of any type. As much as Teddy came on like a spring tornado, fast, furious, and out of control, the boy kept his distance. He said little, but Lamont would bet he watched everything and didn't miss anything.

            The compact blue Ranger sat behind the main barn, weathered and worn. The paint job had taken a beating in a hail storm a decade earlier but despite having over 200,000 miles, it still ran well.

            "I don't know," Teddy Anderson hedged as he walked around the old truck. "Looks awfully rough to me. How old is it?"

            "It's an '85," Lamont replied with a sigh. "It's got a lot of miles, but it's still sound. Looks don't turn the wheels."

            "I think you're asking too much."

            Lamont squinted against the sun dropping low on the western horizon. He'd set the price below what the vehicle could bring despite an affection for the old truck. It had survived a tornado that took everything else on the place. "You don't have to buy it."

            He doubted Anderson, a roofer who worked when the sun shone or, if he had the inclination, had the money in his pocket.

            "I could use a truck, though. Would you consider payments?"

            If Lamont did, he knew it was likely he would never get more than the first. Anderson was notorious for not paying what he owed. Lamont could remember when his neighbor competed in local or regional rodeos. On the circuit, Teddy borrowed often and seldom repaid, earning a poor reputation. Recent gossip that Lamont picked up from another neighbor indicated Anderson owed more than one drug dealer – but was unable to pay.

            "Can't do it," Lamont replied. Right now, he wanted the man off his property and out of sight. The way Teddy jerked and trembled made Lamont's nerves jangle.

            His neighbor's face twisted into a grimace. "Can't you give a fellow cowboy a break?"

            Lamont Fortune rode saddle broncs for the last few years and bulls before that. Anderson used to ride bulls but hadn't in several years. Lamont recalled him from a long time ago but hadn't seen him compete for the last couple of seasons. Anderson sometimes showed up at rodeos to watch, envious as a hound eyeing a man devour a good steak. Lamont didn't remember ever seeing the boy, but maybe he hadn't paid close attention.

            "No." Lamont's daddy had taught him no explanations or excuses were needed to refuse. "If you come up with the money, though, and it's still here, I'll sell to you."

            Anderson mumbled and turned to go. When the kid hesitated, he whirled around. "Let's go. There's nothing for us here, so get moving."

            "I don't wanna walk," the boy said. "My feet hurt."

            Lamont glanced down and winced. The boy wore ragged tennis shoes, the kind bought at a dollar store that usually came apart in a month. Both toes were scuffed and one was worn through enough he could see a dirty sock. Holes dotted the sides of both shoes.

            "You'll be all right," Anderson said. "Kid never stops whining."

            "Your son?" Lamont asked, curious.

            "Not mine, no. Stepson. I got stuck with him when his mom managed to get herself killed in a car wreck. C'mon, Shayne, let's make tracks."

            That news wrenched Lamont's heart, strange when he could care less about most things. His former fiancée had ended their relationship before the planned wedding. Her parting shot had been that he had a cold, cold heart like in the old Hank Williams song. Maybe so because he'd shrugged and gone on with his life without Remy.

            The boy gazed up at Lamont with brilliant blue eyes. He didn't resemble Anderson in the least. I should have known they weren't related. It also explained why he hadn't seen the boy until now, although he'd never known Anderson had a wife.  "Mister, would you give us a ride back home? It's hot."

            Teddy Anderson smacked the kid across the face. "Don't start begging. Ol' Lamont here ain't going to do anything to help, not when he won't let us have the truck."

            Fury exploded through Lamont. He ached to punch his neighbor in the nose. "Don't hit the kid again, or I'll punch you. I'll drive you home. Just because I won't hand over the old truck for nothing doesn't mean I'm cruel."

            Shayne rode in the middle when they climbed into Lamont's old Chevy truck.

            "I'm Shayne Sawyer," the boy told him and extended his right hand. Lamont shook it.

            "Lamont Fortune, and yep, that's my real name." People usually asked, so he got that out of the way first thing.

            "Cool!" Shayne grinned for the first time. When he did, it lightened his face and made Lamont realize this was one good-looking kid. "Does that mean you're a lucky guy?"

            "Maybe sometimes." Lamont didn't feel fortunate. He'd lost both his parents in a plane crash, the old family farmhouse had been destroyed by a tornado while he was on the rodeo circuit three years ago, and his fiancée bailed on him. That last, though, was a good thing because he doubted they would have made it as a married couple. He'd replaced the house with a brand-new home, nice, but so far it never had really felt like home.

            The Anderson house was a mile down the road from his place. Until Lamon turned into the drive, he hadn't remembered how dilapidated it had become. The wood had weathered gray, and he saw at least one broken window patched with cardboard. He wouldn't want to set foot on the porch because the boards sagged, and the roof did, too. A strong wind or heavy snowfall might bring it down. A variety of junk littered the yard, everything from discarded aluminum cans and plastic jugs to a rusted washing machine and a motorcycle without wheels. A battered vehicle sat near the front door, and Lamont guessed it was the usual ride.

            "Car's not running. Needs a battery." Teddy Anderson climbed out of the truck. "Thanks, Lamont."

            "No problem. Let me know if you decide to buy the Ranger."

            Teddy responded with a bitter laugh. "That's about as likely as pigs flying, but sure, I will. Get out of the truck, Shayne."

            Shayne hadn't moved from the cab. With his head bent, Lamont wondered if he had been praying. The boy scooted across the seat to exit from the driver's side and when he did, he slipped a folded piece of notebook paper to him. "Thanks for the ride."

            "You're welcome."

            The folded square fit into his hand, and Lamont kept it concealed. He didn't open it until he'd parked the trunk under a big oak tree at home.

            "Mister, please call my aunt Matilda Mannheim. She lives in New York City."

            Lamont read the childish printing twice, then sighed. The cryptic note disturbed him.  If he had to live with Teddy Anderson, he would want to escape, too. He wondered about the boy's mother and tried to imagine what kind of woman would have married Anderson. He crumpled the note, then paused. Maybe the boy needed a rescue, and this aunt was someone who would deliver him from Anderson's clutches. But she might also be another tweaker. Lamont decided he'd ponder it before deciding. He had too much to do to worry about it.

            He was already late heading out on the circuit. Although it was just April, he should have been gone by mid-March, but a late winter bout of flu had laid him low. Lamont planned to leave within two weeks. He always came home when he could, but he'd be on the road most of the season, driving from one rodeo to another.

            The kid haunted him, though. Lamont couldn't forget the way Anderson had smacked the boy or spoken to him with distracted cruelty. By now, if he'd found any money, Anderson was probably high. He considered calling the authorities to report possible child abuse, but that wasn't his way. He preferred to handle things himself. After two days, Lamont plucked the note from his dresser. It appeared to have been written sometime back. The folded creases were deep. The kid must have carried it around until he found someone to hand it to. With a deep sigh, Lamont set out to locate Matilda Mannheim. It took less than a half hour with his computer to track her down. Mannheim wasn't a common surname.

            Matilda Mannheim lived in midtown Manhattan. He'd figured she would have some highfalutin career, a model or a fashion photographer or a up and coming actress. Instead, her name was associated with a bakery where she made specialty cakes.

            Allowing for the time difference, he made the call after evening chores. Lamont sat down in his favorite overstuffed armchair and propped his feet on the hassock. He took a long, deep breath and dialed the number he located, hoping he would make a connection and even more than the woman would care about her nephew.


            Lamont had expected some fancy New York accent, not a sweet tone that sounded like pure Texas. "Is this Matilda Mannheim?"

            After a pause, she said, "Yes, it is. Who's calling, please?"

            "My name is Lamont Fortune, and your nephew asked me to give you a call."

            She gasped. "Shayne? You know where Shayne is? Oh, thank God. Is he all right? Where is he?"

            The series of questions caught him by surprise. "Whoa, now, lady. Give me a second. One question at a time. He lives down the road from me with his stepfather, I guess. He's pretty skinny but as far as I could tell, he's okay. I guess this confirms you are his aunt."

            "I've been trying to find him since my sister died." Her voice broke as she spoke and Lamont realized she wept. "Where do you live? Is he still in Texas?"

            Flustered, Lamont babbled. "Ma'am, I live in Oklahoma. The closest town of any size is Claremore. Teddy Anderson's been my neighbor for a few years but I didn't know he had a stepson until they came over to look at a truck I have for sale. I don't really have any answers for you beyond that. The kid handed me a note that asked if I could call his aunt. He gave me your name, but I had to figure out the number myself."

            "I'm glad that you did. I'm coming out there as soon as I can book a flight. Can I fly to what was it, Claremore?"

            Lamont hated flying. He didn't like it, and since his parents died in a plane crash, he didn't plan to ever take a flight again.

"No, you'll have to fly into Tulsa," he told her. "Tulsa International Airport."

            First, he heard a pen scribbling on paper, then the click of computer keys.

            "Got it. Tulsa. I'm booking a flight for tomorrow. I'll rent a car and come find Shayne."

            Matilda might be from Texas but she didn't sound like a country girl. "Miss Mannheim, I don't live in Claremore. My place is out in the boondocks, and your nephew lives down the road. I don't think you'll be able to find it without getting lost."

            "I can use GPS."

            Lamont laughed. "Around here, GPS will take you on a wild goose chase about half the time. How about I come pick you up at the airport?"

            When she huffed into the phone, Lamont rolled his eyes and wanted to throw up his hands. She's gonna be difficult.

            "I'll rent a car so I can get around without relying on you or anyone else."

            "Then pick up one in Claremore. You're not familiar."

            "And you are?"

            Lamont closed his eyes and counted to five so he could avoid smashing something or throwing the phone at the wall. "I've lived here all my life, so, yeah, I am. Text me what time your flight will arrive, and I'll be there."

            Matilda said nothing for a few seconds, and when she did, her voice had an edge that could cut a good steak. "I've booked it online. My flight arrives in Tulsa at 9:38 p.m. tomorrow night."

            "Then I'll be there."

            He ended the call with a sigh. The last thing Lamont wanted to do was face Tulsa traffic or navigate the airport, but he would do it.  Since he hadn't eaten supper yet, Lamont made a thick bologna and cheese sandwich with a handful of chips. He parked at the table to eat, but he hadn't taken more than three bites when someone beat on his door.

            "Mister, are you there?" a young voice shrilled. It was the boy, Shayne Sawyer.

            Muttering, Lamont opened the front door. "You got good timing, kid. I just talked to your aunt, and she's coming out here."

            Gasping as if he'd run from his home here, Shayne shook his head. "It's not that. It's, it's…."

            Shayne choked on a sob. Lamont realized not only was the boy's face brick red, but he'd been crying. His guts tensed as he realized something must be wrong. "What's the matter?"

            If Anderson had beat the child, Lamont would have it out with the man.

            "It's Ted…Ted…Teddy," Shayne cried.

            "Did he hurt you?"

            The boy shook his head fast and furious. "I think he's dead, Mister Fortune."

            It took a moment for it to sink it. "Dead? Teddy Anderson's dead?"

            "I'm pretty sure," the kid stammered. Still wheezing, Lamont thought he appeared to be on the edge of collapse or a meltdown.

            "Come inside, and you can tell me what happened." Why did this have to happen to him? Lamont liked minding his own business and keeping out of trouble. It appeared he wouldn't be able to do either.

            In the living room, Shayne stopped and stared, then parked himself on the loveseat. Lamont sat upright in his armchair.

"Are you all right?" he asked, realizing he should ask.

            "I guess. Yeah, maybe."

            "Do you want a soda pop or a sandwich?" Lamont had lost his appetite, but maybe the boy needed something.

            "I don't think so, thank you."

            "Tell me what happened."

            The story was short and terrible. Not surprisingly, Anderson had been high on meth.

"Sometimes he smoked it, sometimes he used a needle," Shayne said. "It seemed like it took more and more of it to get him high. He'd shot up several times, and I'm pretty sure he'd taken some fentanyl, too. He fell over on the floor."

When his stepfather collapsed, Shayne figured he had passed out, which wasn't uncommon. But this time, he made some gurgling sounds, then went quiet. "I thought he'd gone to sleep," Shayne told Lamont. He twisted his hands together as he spoke. "He usually left me alone when he got high, and when he was sleeping it off so I didn't bother him. But that was last night, and he ain't woke up yet. His lips are a funny color, and he's stiff. He kinda smells weird, too."

            If he were still a praying man, Lamont would have been on his knees. Instead, he reached for the phone and called the county sheriff's department. He told them what Shayne had told him and promised to meet them at the Anderson place.

            He didn't think the kid should go, but he had no place to leave him, and besides, the deputies would want to talk to him.

            Lamont pulled his boots back on and wished he was a drinking man. Right now, he could use a beer to mellow his nerves, but he'd given all that up a long time ago. "C'mon, kid, we gotta go over there."

            "Are you gonna make me stay there, even if he ain't dead?" The question came in a harsh whisper.

            Lamont made a swift decision, one he would keep. "No, you're not going back once we get done with the Sheriff. Until your aunt comes, you can stay here."

            He just hoped he could make it happen.



















                                                    Chapter Two




            Shayne strutted in new blue jeans. His feet sported brand-new shoes with no holes or rips, and he wore an Oklahoma Sooners jersey. It had taken a lot of fancy talking to keep Shayne out of Child Services custody. Since Sheriff David Wills was Lamont's first cousin, he'd leaned on the authorities more than a little to persuade them that Lamont could take the kid home.

            "His aunt's coming and she can file for emergency custody," Lamont had told Davy.

            "Bring her to my office first thing the morning after she's arrived," David had replied. "We'll get it sorted out one way or another."

            Shayne shadowed Lamont, sticking close to his side. That grated on Lamont's nerves and made him antsy. He lived alone, and even on the rodeo circuit, he kept to himself.

But he took the kid shopping for clothes at a local discount store because everything he owned had been fit for the rag bag. After a quick fast-food supper in Claremore, Lamont headed for Tulsa.

            He navigated the airport, found parking, and located the concourse where Matilda Mannheim would arrive. Both took a seat on the hard plastic chairs and waited. It would be more than an hour until her flight was due. Being in an airport made him antsy although he could manage. Seeing and hearing planes land was one thing – flying would be another, and that wouldn't be happening in this lifetime.

            "You'll recognize your aunt, won't you?" Lamont had seen her photo online, but she'd been wearing a double-breasted white chef's garb, a chef's hat, and an apron. Her face had been in shadow and the focal point of the picture had been the cake, not the baker. He might not spot her in normal garb.

            "I don't know," Shayne said. The more time he spent with Lamont, the more he talked. "I haven't seen her since I was a little kid. I don't really know her."

            Lamont shot a look in Shayne's direction. "Then why did you want me to call her?"

            Shayne shrugged. "I figured she might come get me. I don't have anybody else except you."

            "How long had you been toting that note?"

            "I've always had it. My mom told me that Aunt Matilda would come if I ever needed her. She had me write that note. Mama said to give it to somebody when it was time. Teddy was gettin' worse, and so I handed it to you. He beat me a lot."

            If Lamont thought much about that, he'd get mad, and now wasn't the time to be angry, not waiting to pick up a city woman likely to look down on both him and Oklahoma.

            "She's your mom's sister, right?"  Lamont didn't count on anyone, and he'd rather Shayne not depend on him. He wasn't family.

            "Yeah, Matilda and Melissa. My mom was Melissa, but everyone except Teddy called her Lissy. Is she taking me back to New York?"

            "I don't know." Lamont hoped so. He didn't want the responsibility of a child or to deal with the woman who had seemed difficult on the phone.

            "I want to stay here." Shayne spoke those four words in a quiet voice, each one dropping like a pebble into water. He gazed up at Lamont as he spoke, his eyes soft and filled with trust.

            Lamont didn't know what to say. He cleared his throat and took off his cowboy hat, then put it back on his head, then pretended not to understand. "Here at the airport?"

            "No, in Oklahoma, with you, Lamont."

            They'd made the leap from Mister Fortunate to Lamont. That made him glad, but the rest of it didn't. It scared him. He parted his lips to tell Shayne that wasn't an option, but something about the boy tugged his heartstrings. "We'll have to see what your auntie thinks, buddy."

            Buddy. That had been his nickname as a child. Both his parents and his granddaddy had used it more often than his name. His brother and sister still did on occasion.

            "Okay," Shayne said and yawned. The flight was delayed, and the kid fell asleep. Every passing minute increased Lamont's anxiety. He didn't do well with most women, and his broken engagement proved it. Remy's accusation that he had a cold, cold heart hit the mark. He could have his pick of buckle bunnies when he was out on the rodeo circuit, but Lamont ignored them. Somewhere along the lonesome way, he'd given up on finding a woman to date or marry.

            When he came down with a bad case of flu earlier this spring, Lamont had wished for a woman. Soft hands to soothe him would have been welcome. Someone putting a cold compress on his feverish head and bringing him a cup of tea with some over the counter meds would have given comfort. Somebody who asked how he felt and worried over him a little would have been nice. Instead, he had weathered being sick alone and was miserable for the better part of two weeks.

            When the flight arrived, and the passengers streamed into the terminal, Lamont stood after nudging the boy awake. His eyes darted from side to side, seeking a woman that resembled the one he'd seen online and watched Shayne for any reaction. He dismissed one woman after another. Two were much too old, gray hair revealing their age. Another had to still be in her teens. Three walked beside small children. One of the last passengers to appear wasn't as tall as he would have guessed, a brunette with short hair somewhere between her ears and shoulders. Despite her petite size, she toted a carry-on bag and rolled a huge suitcase along.

            "Mama!" Shayne shouted with more delight than he'd heard from the kid. "It's Mama."

            Since Lamont knew his mother was deceased, it wasn't her. Shayne ran forward, and the woman halted. Her bags were abandoned as she rushed forward and knelt to hug the child.

            "Shayne, oh, Shayne!"

            The boy drew back and stared at her. "You're not Mama. I knew that, but for a second, I thought…"

            "I'm your Aunt Matilda. It's been too long, but I'm glad I'm here. You're so tall for ten."

            After glaring, her nephew said. "I'm twelve."

            Shayne pulled away from her and stood at Lamont's side, edgy like a frightened animal, ready to bolt at the first hint of danger.

Uncomfortable and feeling awkward, he extended his hand. "I'm Lamont Fortune, Shayne's neighbor from down the road. We talked on the phone."

            "Matilda Mannheim." Her brown eyes shone with unshed tears. "Thank you for coming to pick me up. I didn't know you planned to bring my nephew."

            Honesty was best, even when blunt. "I didn't, but things changed. His stepfather died."

            "Tim Anderson is dead?" Her mouth hung open with surprise. "What happened?"

            "Drug overdose." Lamont picked up her bag and put it over his shoulder, then maneuvered the larger case. He headed toward the exit.


            "I heard about it right after I talked to you last night." He kept his tone level. "Buddy, there, he came to tell me."

            Her lips twisted into a frown. "And so, you brought Shayne along with you? I hope his stepdad isn't lying cold and dead in some hovel."

            Hovel was an apt description of the place her nephew had been calling home, but her assumption that Lamont might be an idiot who didn't report the death rankled. "No, he isn't because I called the sheriff's department. They took Anderson's body away and did an autopsy early this morning, which confirmed it was drug related. Shayne's been with me."

            He raised his voice a fraction, then remembered they were still at the airport and lowered it. Lamont glared at her and she sent an evil look in his direction.

            "Lamont bought me some new stuff, and I got a haircut," Shayne said, the first time he'd spoken directly to her since her arrival. "He said I don't have to go back to the house at all if I don't want to go there."

            "Did he?" Her tone had softened a fraction.

            The boy nodded. "I've been staying at his place. I want to keep staying there."

            Matilda wrinkled her forehead and gawked. "I thought you'd want to be with me."

            Tired, ready to go home, and irritated with the woman for no valid reason, Lamont asked, "Where did you book a room?"

            He would deliver her to the hotel of her choice, leave Shayne with her, and then he'd be finished with his good deed.

            She wore heeled fashion boots, which tapped out a rapid rhythm on the tiled floor, but the question brought her to a halt. "That's what I forgot," she said, in such a low voice, Lamont wasn't sure if it was meant for him or if she talked to herself. "I didn't make a reservation anywhere. I'm sorry."

            "It's all right." It wasn't, but he could roll with the unexpected.

            "Is there a hotel nearby?"

            They reached his vintage truck, a 1970 light green Chevy that he had restored. Lamont put her luggage in the back. Matilda paused, then followed Shayne into the cab. "Several," he said. "But it'd be easier if you stayed in Claremore – it's about thirty minutes away from here, but it's closer to my place. You're welcome to stay with me. I have three extra bedrooms."

            As soon as the words flew out of his mouth, he couldn’t believe what he offered. Yeah, he had four bedrooms and two baths plus a den, along with the usual living room and kitchen, but Lamont didn't have many guests. Once a year, his older sister, Lanelle, came to visit for a week, usually around Thanksgiving. His brother, Logan, came more often, sometimes to fish and to hunt every deer season. Sometimes, one of Lanelle's kids accompanied her which didn't happen often. Logan's wife, Tatum, occasionally came with him. So did their daughter, Paisley, age six.

            As he waited to hear her reply, Lamont pulled out of the parking area and headed for the main road. He glanced over Shayne's head. Matilda chewed her lip as she stared through the windshield. She didn't say anything as he turned onto Airport Drive, but after five long minutes, she said, "I'm not sure that's a good idea. I don't see any hotels, at least not on this road. And I don't know you."

            To be fair, he didn't know her either. "Maybe you should have thought about that before you agreed I'd pick you up at the airport. Do you know anyone in Oklahoma?"

            She raised her hand to her lips and nibbled at a hangnail. "Just Shayne."

            Lamont laughed. "You don't really know him."

            "Yes, I do, he's my nephew…"

            "And he must have been a little guy last time you saw him. You thought he was ten years old, and he's twelve. You didn't even know where he was until I called."

            He didn't intend to be rude, just honest, but Matilda squawked and clutched her purse tighter. It sat on her lap as if she thought he might snatch it and steal anything of value.

            "Stop!" she shrieked. "Stop right here and let us out. I'll call for a taxi or an Uber or something. I'll hitchhike or walk."

            Beside him, Shayne stiffened and leaned closer to Lamont. "I don’t want to get out," the kid mumbled. "I'd rather stick with you."

            Lamont jerked the truck onto the shoulder of the four-lane major thoroughfare. "Okay, Tilly, you listen, and you listen good. I understand you're here for this kid. You want to do right by him. So do I. But let's get something straight. You don't know me, but I'm not some criminal that you can't trust. If I take you to a hotel, you're gonna be stuck there until you can rent a car. You're not familiar with Tulsa or Oklahoma. I am. So why don't you just chill out a little and come home with me tonight? Tomorrow, the sheriff wants you at his office to talk about custody. After that, you can figure out what you want or need to do."

            Matilda tried to open the passenger door, so he locked it. She kicked her feet against the truck floor and made a wild noise. "I can call 911."

            Lamont wanted to beat his head against the steering wheel. "If that's what you want, call but the kid's under my temporary custody per order of the Sheriff.  Calling 911 is more likely to hurt your chances, not help them. Besides that, you don't want out here – look around. Do you see anywhere to go? That's Mohawk Park across the road. You want me to tell you some of the crimes that happen there? I wouldn't go there at night unless I was armed, and I sure am not about to let you take Shayne over there."

            She twisted around to stare at him. "How do I know that's true?"

            "How do you know it's not?" he asked. "Why would I lie?"

            Shayne pouted, his lip jutted out, and his arms folded. Matilda looked at her nephew, then at Lamont. She sighed, long and hard. "I guess I don't, and I can't think of any reason you would. Maybe I'm overreacting."

            Maybe? Definitely. Lamont removed his hat long enough to run both hands through his short, blond hair. "Look, it's late. I bet you're tired and maybe hungry. Can we start over?"

            He suggested it for the kid's sake. He'd just as soon drop her off at a hotel or return her to the airport and never see her again. Beside him, Shayne offered a thumbs up.

            "We can," Matilda said after a few moments of silence. "I haven't eaten at all today, and that's probably part of the reason I'm cranky. I think this is a different time zone. This situation is more than I expected. I'm pleased to meet you, Lamont Fortune and glad you are helping my nephew."

            She stuck out her hand to shake and he took it.

            To his way of thinking, there wasn't a situation, just a boy who needed someone, a kid who'd been mistreated by his now deceased stepfather. "No problem, Tilly."

            "It's Matilda. Matilda Mannheim."

            "I got that, Tilly. It's a nickname, woman, because the other is a mouthful."

            She almost smiled. "I suppose it is."

            "Why is your name Mannheim, not Sawyer like me?" Shayne questioned.

            Matilda blushed and Lamont realized under her gruff exterior, she was quite pretty.

            "It was Sawyer but I was married for a very short time to a German baker, Freddy Mannheim. I always planned to take Sawyer back but I never have gotten around to it."

            So, Shayne's mom hadn't been married until Teddy Anderson. Interesting. And Miss Matilda had survived a brief marriage. Lamont wondered why it ended, but he wasn't about to ask and start any fresh contention.

            "Let's go find some food," he suggested. "Then we'll go home. Do you like hamburgers?"

            If she asked for a salad or organic food or yogurt or tofu, Lamont thought he might yell out loud and drop her at a hotel anyway.

            "I do," she replied. "That sounds good. I'm sorry if I've been difficult. I didn't mean to be."

            Her quieter tone softened his attitude. "De nada. It's all a lot to deal with."

            Despite the late hour, the hamburger joint in Claremore had a full parking lot. Once inside, Lamont ordered them all burgers, family size fries, and chocolate malts. Seated at a table, Lamont dived in, but Matilda bowed her head and reached for their hands.

            "Thank you, Lord, for this food, for the kind man who provided it, for being reunited with my nephew, and for whatever happens with Shayne. To God be the glory, in Jesus Name, Amen."

            Surprised, Lamont removed his hat at the last moment before she asked a blessing. Shayne goggled at his aunt, apparently as unaccustomed to saying grace as Lamont.

            "Can I eat now?" Shayne asked as he pulled his hand free.

            "Of course," Matilda replied.

            As they ate, the kid devouring his burger with speed, Lamont realized they must look like a family. At first, the idea made him a little uncomfortable, but then he liked it, at least a little.  He could imagine family life, something he'd once wanted. Of course, it would have to be with a different woman, not some city slicker who pitched a fit before they were two miles from the airport. Lamont needed a country gal or a small-town woman, someone who knew how to nurture and make a man feel better, not worse. So far, this Tilly hadn't done a lot for his self-image.

            Having a kid, though, he liked that idea a lot. Shayne seemed like a fine boy, one most men would be proud to call son. Lamont didn't like the way Anderson had treated the child or how he'd made sure to mention Shayne was his stepson. Steps were something you went up or down, in Lamont's opinion. They had nothing to do with a relationship. It was your kid, or it wasn't, he figured.

            "This is delicious," Matilda said, blotting her lips with a paper napkin.

            Lamont liked the compliment on the humble fare and liked her a bit better for it. Then she ruined it with her next comment.

            "It's basic, but I never expected anything this tasty in the wilds of Oklahoma," she said between bites. "It's not wagyu beef, and although it's not topped with anything like shallots, Gouda cheese, Shitake 'shrooms, or a special mustard, it's actually yummy."

            "Food doesn't have to be fancified to taste good."

            To him, the double meat burger topped with grilled onions, lettuce, pickle, tomato, and American cheese on a toasted bun came near perfection. Maybe by New York City standards, the burger seemed basic, but to Lamont, it was prime eats.

            "I like it just fine," Shayne said. "Fries are good, too."

            "Darned straight," Lamont said.

            Matilda glanced up with a frown. "I didn't say that food had to be gourmet. I like it."

            "I'm glad it passes your Big Apple approval," Lamont said, allowing sarcasm to flavor his words. "I might just have me another one."

            He didn't, though. This late, another burger on top of the fries and shake would be too much. They spent the rest of the meal in silence, broken only if Shayne said something and Lamont answered. As soon as the last morsel of food passed between Matilda's lips, he gathered their litter onto the plastic tray and headed for the nearest trash can.

            "Let's get a move on," he said. "I'd like to get some sleep before morning. We gotta be at the sheriff's office by 9."

            The woman slung her purse onto her arm and stood up. "I'm ready."

            Once all three were in the truck, Lamont fired the engine. He drove through Claremore and headed for home on the two-lane. When he turned onto the gravel road that would take them to his place, Matilda sat up straight.

            "I didn't realize you lived this far out."

            "It ain't all that far," he said, dropping into cowboy talk on purpose. He figured it would irritate the city gal.  "I like having some space. Never been much of one for town living."

            "It seems remote, that's all."

            Probably did, he realized. He'd been to New York and had ridden once in a rodeo at Madison Square Garden, back when he rode bulls as well as broncs. All those skyscrapers and apartment buildings hadn't impressed him. Lamont had hated the traffic clogged thoroughfares, the crowds, and the never-ending noise.

            "That's what I like about it."

            Lamont vowed he would say as little as possible until he got shed of this woman. With any luck, after they met with the Sheriff and probably a social worker, Matilda Mannheim would get custody of the kid. Then they both could ride off into the sunset, and he'd be done with them. 

            He rolled the truck to a stop. "We're home," he said. "Come on."

            After retrieving her luggage from the truck bed, Lamont led them up the wide steps to the side entrance. They came through the den, his favorite room, then his office space, and through the kitchen. He put down her bags in the living room.

            "My room's through there," he said, indicating the master suite. "Shayne's been staying in the smallest bedroom on the other side. You can take your pick of the others, Tilly. One has a bathroom."

            Matilda glanced around, eyes wide. "This is nicer than I imagined."

            Because he wanted to go to bed, Lamont swallowed the hot words that sprang to his lips. She's clueless and suffers from foot in the mouth syndrome. "Glad you approve," he told her. "Good night."

            With that, he headed into his bedroom, shut the door, and shucked his clothes. After a long, steaming shower, he crawled into bed, but he had trouble falling asleep. His mind spun in circles. To help a kid, he'd landed himself in the middle of one hot mess. The sooner they could work through it and get custody resolved, the better.

            After Remy, a Dallas socialite, wealthy from her family's oil money, he'd had his fill of highfalutin women. He would be glad to see the last of Matilda Mannheim.

            She might be pretty, but she was as prickly as barbed wire, difficult and edgy.

Available in audio, paperback or eBook at World Castle Publishing, Amazon, and wherever books are bought and sold!






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