Monday, April 5, 2021

The beginning or where it all started

When I first sat down to write a novel, I collected the supplies that I needed – wide-lined notebook paper, a blue cardboard three-ring binder, and a good ink pen. I reserved space in the back of that binder and began writing my story of three sisters in the American South during the Civil War. For each page of text that I wrote, I penned a corresponding page with an original drawing to depict the ongoing action. I worked hard on my magnum opus, stealing time away from spelling, arithmetic, and social studies to write. When my work, titled Good-bye, Dixie!, was complete, I carried it home to my parents with pride. I was in the fifth grade. That first novel never saw publication but it still holds a place of honor in a bottom desk drawer at my mother’s house. And, while my childish scrawls tell a basic story, much of what I wrote is amusing to an adult eye. I have a fond spot in my heart, however, because without “Good-bye Dixie”, I might not be a writer.

From those days in that second floor classroom at Webster Elementary School in my hometown of St. Joseph, Missouri, best known for the Pony Express and Jesse James, to the day last summer when Champagne Books accepted my romantic suspense novel, Kinfolk, I did a lot of living and learning. I wrote and wrote and wrote. I learned to hone my craft, to use my apparent natural gift with words to write things people wanted to read.

Beginnings are most often humble and the most important lesson I learned as a writer is never give up. Write onward and upward to reach your dream!

That humble start led to all of this:


Books and novellas – Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy


1.       Upcoming May 2021 – A Cure For Love (Evernight Publishing)

2.       Still Waters Run Deeper (Evernight)

3.       Canaan’s Land – World Castle Publishing (also paperback)

4.       Scarred Santa – Clean Reads

5.       Coal Black Blues – Evernight

6.       Slattery’s Sin – World Castle (also paperback)

7.       Barefoot Bride – Evernight

8.       Cam’s Witness – World Castle Publishing (also paperback and hardback)

9.       Saving The Sin Eater – World Castle (also paperback)

10.   Third Time The Charm – Evernight

11.   Fire Rescue – Evernight

12.   Callahan’s Fate – Evernight

13.   Johnny Gator – Evernight

14.   Tidings of Comfort and Joy  - Clean Reads

15.   Ronan’s Blood – Clean Reads

16.   Dion’s Desire – Evernight

17.   Carnival Glass – Evernight

18.   Gray’s Good Samaritan – Clean Reads

19.   Ryker’s Justice – Evernight

20.   The Comanche Vampire – Evernight

21.   Jove’s Passion – Evernight

22.   Quite The Catch – Evernight

23.   The School Teacher’s Scandal – Clean Reads

24.   Pink Neon Dreams – Evernight

25.   Devlin’s Grace – Evernight

26.   Quinn’s Deirdre – Evernight

27.   Byrd’s Desire – Evernight

28.   The Courtship of Ebenezer Scrooge – Clean Reads

29.   Stranger Danger – Evernight

30.   Cat’s Patient Heart – KDP

31.   Will’s Way – KDP

32.   The Widow’s End – Clean Reads

33.   Urban Renewal – Champagne Books

34.   Movie Star Magic – Evernight

35.   An Emerald Heart – Evernight

36.   Red In The Hood – Evernight

37.   Marriage Cure and sequel What Fills The Heart – Clean Reads

38.   Love Tattoo – Evernight – first of a 4 part series

39.   Love Scars – book 2

40.   Love Knots – book 3

41.   Love Shadows – book 4

42.   A Time To Love – Champagne Books (also paperback)

43.   Kinfolk  - Champagne Books (paperback)


Patrice Wayne historical romance titles – all Evernight Publishing

1.       A Desperate Destiny

2.       Dearest Love: Do You Remember

3.       The Aviator’s Angel

4.       Bette’s Soldier

5.       Valley So Low


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