Thursday, September 22, 2022

Autumn has arrived


Autumn is my favorite season of the year. In the photograph, Shoal Creek near Neosho, Missouri is shown in early fall. It's one of my photographs - in fact I've photographed the same scene from the old Lime Kiln Bridge in many seasons. 

Temperatures are cooler today - a nice beginning for fall. I have no doubt that they will rise again but today, I'm enjoying it while I wait for the fall colors. I'm ready to cook chili using my dad's tried and true recipe, to bake with pumpkin and to sip tea on the front porch. I'm craving jacket weather.

The only thing I don't like about fall is that it gets dark so early and stays dark later each morning. 

No matter what the season, though, I'm always writing. My newest releases are Scrooge And Marlee (July World Castle Publishing)  and a new series from Evernight Publishing with a new pen name,

Liathán O'Murchadha!

Here's the gorgeous cover and a little taste: 

“‘Tis a fine and fair day, lady,” the stranger said.

            If he hadn’t been so good-looking and sexy, Nora would have ignored his brash greeting and walked away, but instead, she paused. “It’s a lovely day,” she said, cringing at her broad American accent that seemed so flat compared to his. “I don’t believe I’ve met you.”

            If she had, she would have remembered.

            “Ye’ve not,” he said. “But now ye have. Might I accompany you?”

            “You don’t even know where I’m going.”

            “Aye, and it doesn’t matter. The sea is it, or the hills?”

            “I planned to walk along the ocean.”

            He offered her his arm. “Then we shall. I’m Felidmid Eamon.”  

            “Nora Casey.”

            They strolled along the edge of the sea. It was more rocky than sandy, far different than the beaches she had visited back home in California and on the Gulf Coast. Nora preferred it, though, and favored the wildness of it. This was not a seashore dotted with sunbathers or surfers or hot dog stands, but an ancient ocean yet to be tamed.

            The man at her side had a wildness about him too and she liked it. In many places, they had to walk on the edge of the hills overlooking the Atlantic.



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The other, Scrooge And Marlee is available in hardback, paperback, and Ebook or audible!

Here's a taste of Theo:

            He wasn't old, and most of the time he wasn't cranky, but in one way he was like the fictional Ebenezer—Theo Scrooge disliked Christmas. He hadn't always. As a child, he'd loved the holiday with all the traditions and trimmings, but as he grew up, that changed.

            Theo didn't care much for Charles Dickens, either. In lit classes, he'd been forced to read classics like Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities, but he balked at reading A Christmas Carol, taking an F on a class assignment in high school, which brought his grade down by a full letter.

He wished the author had chosen any other surname for the miserly old character who had a life changing revelation after three ghosts came to set him straight.  If Dickens had just called him Ebenezer Smith or Sands or Sims, things would have been different for Theo.

Yet to come - At Face Value (World Castle) Miss Good Samaritan (Champagne Books), Tall, Dark And Cherokee (Evernight) Return Of the Christmas Bride (Evernight) and The Lone Wlf of Kilkenny (Evernight)

In the meantime, happy reading and enjoy autumn!


Sunday Snippet: Tall, Dark And Cherokee

  From Tall, Dark, And Cherokee, winner of the Best Romance Novel in the 2024 Imaginarium awards at Imadjinn….first chapter read with links!...